Financial Performance of Enterprises Listed on Vietnam Stock Market
Phuong Hoa Le , Thi Duyen Vu , Thi Hoan Nguyen ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 154-173 | Views: 521 | Downloads: 150 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045098
Based on the analysis of the impact of social responsibility reporting on the financial performance of listed companies, the study aims to measure the social responsibility disclosure situation of listed companies. listing on Vietnam's stock market and analyzing the positive impact of publishing social responsibility reports on financial performance. The paper has applied qualitative methods to synthesize previous studies and background theory to confirm the main contents in disclosing social responsibility information as well as the financial performance indicators used. used to measure relationships in research. In addition, the study also uses quantitative methods to examine the impact of social responsibility reporting on financial performance.
financial performance, social responsibility disclosure
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