Hemato - Psychological Designs in Decision Architecture


Col Prof Dr. J Satpathy , Dr Sebastian Laza , Dr Dababrata Chowdhury , Ms. Swetalina Mishra ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 52-86 | Views: 563 | Downloads: 145 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5066471

Volume 10 - May 2021 (05)


Managers are voyaging through ‘busitagion’, with interregnums shifting and sprouting uninterruptedly. This paper intends to explore hiatuses in managerial decisions as linked to ‘busitagion’ (‘business’ and ‘contagion’) scenario. Objective is to transport inventive reflection upon ‘busitagion’ that countenance ‘disruptive mental’ approximations’. Attempt is to address the interregnums problem based on empirical study (hematological investigation) that provides synthesis of psychological mechanisms and strategies. Authors have examined a recurring phenomenon i.e. disruption, plagued with ‘orthodox managerial replicas’ and ‘disruptors’ has submerged the environment. Hybrid ‘disruptive mental’ approximations’ are emerging as alternative to model complex systems under uncertainty. Authors find that managers are at crossroads with neuroscience and business laying a linkage that seemed an abnormal approximation. Managers are endorsing an ever-increasing amount of multilevel research that integrate delineated research domains and offer new lenses for understanding managerial practice. This research is confronted with limitation of having based the study on hematological investigation. Future research should focus on finding larger samples and neuro - based approaches to instrument for to explore interregnums linked to ‘busitagion’ scenario. This research attempts to answer issues like; do managers have the information they need? Are managers using right models? Is there new analysis that could make managers effective? With focal point on ‘busitagion’; how do managers choose among alternatives on what decide to take? What characteristics of alternatives would generate ‘mental’ approximations’? How ‘variables’ figured in brain would help managers develop judgement?  The study is the first to use to use hematological investigation based analysis towards managerial theoretic reasoning and advances dialogues by providing perceptive specifics concerning how managers operate and behave towards a decision.


Neuromanagement, ‘Busitagion’ Behaviours and Neuro ‘Disruption’ Management


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