Rationale of the Essence of Innovative Steam Education Model towards Effective Teaching Practices


Joshua Agyekum ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-41 | Views: 540 | Downloads: 142 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5066223

Volume 10 - April 2021 (04)


The country’s educational curriculum and learning models validate the STEAM framework’s implementation (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Therefore, this paper explores the theoretical frameworks relating to the development of information in the STEAM framework as an effective teaching and learning method and explains the knowledge gained in the STEAM tertiary education methodology’s multidisciplinary teaching and learning usefulness. The methodology was accompanied by semi-systematic existing literature from the expression of papers published electronically from 2010-2019, located in the Scopus, Science, ISI, Scielo and, other databases following Snyder (2019) in the mapping of theoretical aspects, the identification of knowledge gaps, the combination of consulted authors and the research issue. Three kinds accompanied the validity and reliability: STEAM technique as a teaching process, multidisciplinary STEAM pedagogy, and STEAM interdependence in the curricular material. According to Levy & Ellis (2006), content validation was framed by the relevance of documents, innovation, and quality. This job is about to show when and how can a STEAM educational concept can be delivered in a system that seems to have been destroyed from its old mistakes and can give a real boost to a new oriented public school in the best possible integrated educational system for preparing students for the university and beyond. The findings highlight the advantages of the systemic condition in constructing knowledge to overcome the fragmentation of pedagogical dynamics. It concludes with the choice that STEAM offers to exercise intelligible movements in developing creative content and innovation.


STEAM, Education, Benefits, Teaching Practices, Challenges


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