Influencing Factors of Senior High School Students Performance in Mathematics in the Accra Metropolis of Ghana


Han Xianglin , Guamah Raphael Kwame ,

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Volume 10 - April 2021 (04)


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influencing factors of senior high school students’ performance in mathematics in the Accra metropolis of Ghana A close-ended questionnaire was used to collect the data for our analysis. A total of 120 teachers were involved in the study of which 120 questionnaires were returned by them and used for further analysis. IBM SPSS version 25 software was used to analyze the survey data. The study found that a significant number of the students in senior high school in the Accra Metropolis performed better in mathematics. The study further found that teacher factors, school factors and home factors significantly influence students’ academic performance in mathematics at the senior high school level. Findings of the study revealed that teacher, school and home factors significantly and positively influence students’ performance in mathematics examination. However, the study found that there is a significant negative effect of home factors on students’ academic performance in mathematics in the Accra metropolis.  


Academic Achievement, Influencing Factors, Mathematics, Accra, Ghana 


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