To Determine the Effectiveness of Grapevine as a Communication Method in Tertiary Management
Mohammad Akbar Hossen , IbnaliIssah Kulo , Zafar Iqbal , Irtaza Ishtiaq ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 88-97 | Views: 503 | Downloads: 150 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045329
With the use of numerous social media sites, technology has enabled cheap and fast communication. Grapevine was traditionally passed from one person to another without the use of intermediaries. Due to social media, the rate of information sharing by grapevine has increased greatly. The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy of grapevine as a contact technique in tertiary administration during the COVID-19 pandemic. A case study was conducted in the Department of Computer Science at a Zimbabwean state university. Employees and students who received information from managers in a formal way were opposed to those who received information via the grapevine. Document processing and interviews were used to gather the data. This data was analysed, and the efficiency of grapevine was calculated. The efficiency of grapevine correspondence was assessed in terms of the information that could be obtained, the accuracy of the information, the degree of manipulation, the rate of transmission from sender to receiver, and whether two-way communication was possible.
Administration, Grapevine, Listening, Information, Portal, Social Media
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