Impact of Online Training during COVID-19 Pandemic on Employee Performance A Case Study of NBP and HBL Bank


Dr. Maqsood Zia shah , Dr.Maria Shaikh , Sikandar Ali Soomro , Dr.Faiz Muhammad Shaikh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 110-114 | Views: 548 | Downloads: 149 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045364

Volume 10 - March 2021 (03)


This research investigates the Impact of online Training during COVID-19 Pandemic on Employee PerformanceA case study of NBP and HBL bank.  Sample of 50 employees of the National Bank and 50 employees of HBL bank in Sukkur Division from several primary sources were collected. Smart PLS was used to analyse the results. For the reliability and validity of data, a structural questionnaire was created. Results Independent T-test for Training results HBL T test results 4.434 for the success of workers compared with NBP 3.11. Results show that more HBL training than NBP might have, due to the fact that the private banking sector provides its workers with more training. It was further revealed that the results Independent T-test for organizational performance  Employees performance HBL T test results 5.234  compare with NBP 4.123 with male and 5.2234 for female of HBL compare with 2.784  results indicates that more organizational performance  on HBL compare with NBP the results reveals that HBL is proving more growth opportunities compare with NBP.


Online Training, COVID-19 Pandemic, Employee Performance


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