Research on Building High-Quality Undergraduate Education Assurance System for International Students in China
Dr. Shunhua Yang , Jessie Magonziwa ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 61-70 | Views: 595 | Downloads: 188 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5266526
At the National Education Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that China should accelerate the promotion of the international influence of China’s education. In recent years, the number of scale of international students in China (ISIC) is growing quickly, which is a new challenge to teaching quality assurance for higher education. Based on《Standard of higher education quality for International students in China》published by Ministry of Education and the analysis of Mergan’s quality framework and combination with the teaching characteristics of ISIC, by the case of one University which has made efforts on education quality assurance system of ISIC, this paper constructs the teaching quality assurance system for ISIC with 3-layer which includes design quality, process quality and output quality , provides an example and reference for all-round improvement undergraduate education quality assurance system and sustainable development for higher education of ISIC.
International students in China (ISIC); undergraduate education; quality assurance system
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