Effect of Characteristics on the Intention of Students to Study Away in Vietnam


Dr. Phuong Huu Tung , Dr. Nguyen Nghi Thanh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 44-60 | Views: 513 | Downloads: 141 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5266516

Volume 10 - July 2021 (07)


Experiencing real life and studying in a country with advanced education in the world is a rewarding learning experience for many Vietnamese students. As a result, the number of Vietnamese students going abroad to pursue international education has continuously increased in recent decades, especially to the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. They come to the country primarily to study and experience a new culture, and not necessarily to pursue immigration opportunities. The study was conducted at high schools in Hanoi city in June 2019. In Vietnam, 12th graders have passed the high school graduation exam and have started enrolling in university. Data collection through questionnaire survey of 400 students. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 2.0 and SPSS AMOS 2.0 software. The SEM model is used to test the hypotheses, the results show that: students have 5 personality types and all have positive and significant impacts on the intention to study in university. In which personality neuroticism and extraversion act with large regression weights.


Big Five; Intention; Study Abroad, Student;University; Vietnam.


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