Development Dynamics and Effects of NGOS on Livelihood a Case Study of Sanghar District
Ghulam Akbar Tumrani , Dr. Ghulam Ali Jariko , Dr. Mumutaz Ali Junejo , Dr. Faiz Muhammad Shaikh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 11-22 | Views: 483 | Downloads: 140 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5363317
the current research investigates development dynamics and effects of ngos’ on livelihood a case study of Sanghar district. The main objective of this study was to furnish an all-inclusive strategical document as change agent for the Public Sector and NGOs as to increase percentage of successes in perspective of organizational implementations particularly for the most vulnerable and deprived peoples. non-governmental organizations. As various world studies show the results regarding poverty that forty percent worlds poverty resides in Asian countries. Government and NGOs imparted various projects and programs for uplifting the living status the peoples and that also have been improved but still required self-sufficiency in various areas, its core reason observed by the approached communities is poverty, that generates many other restraints in sustainable development. One of the major actors in socio-economic process is non-governmental organization. Although NGOs are considered by international agencies as alternate institutional structure or mechanism for transferring resources to themselves and to work for solving the problems at grassroot level. Hence southern countries take these entities for social transformation, economic advancement and strengthening democratic governance. The major issues in developing countries like Pakistan is to improve the livelihood of the poor people. As development partners, government has accepted existence of NGOs and their effective role in development related to specific segments and areas. The number and size of NGOs have swelled due to various reasons in the last decades especially in last quarter of the twentieth century. Therefore, it was an important period for assessment of NGOs’ roles beyond of their motive and missions.
The purpose of this study is that NGOs are good institutional and operational options which intend to improve livelihood of the poor people in the context of Pakistan especially with the field results of District Sanghar. The research study is also depicted the review of the existing policies of NGOs and the improvement which was made in the livelihood of people amongst the target groups. Further, it works for improving the livelihoods in practices for replication as compared with public sector.
The study is combination of descriptive in nature and can be said that is mix method that applied for fulfilment of essential purpose . Ten NGOs were the part of the study, from which international were four and six were local with 40 and 60 ratios respectively.
Introduction: Glimpses on NGOs that are working in the study area and general features along with basic introduction and features of sample selected study area, that is also detailed out regarding the living conditions and demographic and geographic classification of the people or intensity of livelihood issues. This chapter also narrates the NGOs work, programs and their trickledown effect and impact to the deprived communities especially on their sustainable livelihood. Based on objectives and programs; the priorities settle down by the governing general bodies and board of directors of the institutes and managing personnel of the organizations. Except of many struggles with efficiency and efficacy, also occurring issues and solving mechanisms are the part of this chapter that discussed for the sustainable development of the community.
Development Dynamics, Effects of NGOS, Livelihood
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