The Post-cold war Chinas Strategic Move in Africa and the Shifting Paradigm


Georges OLEMANU Lohalo ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 64-77 | Views: 621 | Downloads: 158 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5363415

Volume 10 - August 2021 (08)


China-Africa cooperation is a widely discussed topic. Researchers, constantly, disagree; each other about China’s presence in Africa. While certain evaluate the Middle Kingdom’s actions on the Dark Continent, others focus on historical process of its involvement in Africa. Recent studies have presented Covid-19 as a serious factor changing drastically overall connections. However, few, if not any, have addressed the issue of China’s Post-Cold War strategic move in Africa and the ongoing change. This article presents the context of China’s strategic move in Africa, the shifting paradigm and explains why? The DRC, more than other African countries, should take this structural transformation into account in order to anticipate, adjust, and adapt its related policies.


Post-cold war Era, China’s strategic Move in Africa, Shifting paradigm, DRC.


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