Cooperative Credit Banks and Account Holders: Focus on Italian Context
Di Nallo Loris , Battista Rocco , Marandola Daniele ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 78-82 | Views: 431 | Downloads: 133 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5363442
The aim of the article is to investigate about a particular category of bank: Italian Cooperative Credit Banks.Nowadays, during COVID period, banks and consumer behaviors are changing because of economic context and the crisis. So we want to investigate the state of Italian Cooperative Credit Banks in order to understand whether these banks were affected by this period. The idea is that account holders imagine that Cooperative Credit Banks are safer than competitors.
So we have to introduce a variable that define this: Common equity Tier 1 Ratio and analyzed it to understand the phenomenon and preliminarily understand this question: Italian Cooperative Credit Banks are safer than other ones?
banks, cooperative banks, tier1, financial analysis
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