Role of Social Media in Promoting International Business in Rural Communities
Jerome Nyameh , Luna Banga Madanga , Babangida Yawe ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 103-106 | Views: 422 | Downloads: 128 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5482372
The Study examined the role of media promotion businesses in rural communities in to internationally. to achieve that an objective was formulated and complimented with research question as follows; To examine the role of social media in promoting businesses in Nigerian rural communities internationally and What is the role of social media in promoting businesses in Nigerian rural communities internationally? The method used in the study was descriptive research. Frequency and percentages were used to interpret findings with the help of SPSS version 20. The instrument for data collection was tested using Cronbach Alpha coefficient which shows the instrument is reliable as it gives 0.745 which is above the threshold of 0.6 level of significance. the findings revealed that 80% of the respondent agree that Social media help in improving the number of international business ventures in Nigerian rural communities and 73.4% of the respondent agree that Social media promotes more rural businesses to international business than traditional media
Social media. International businesses, rural communities and Nigeria
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