A Review of Big Data Quality and an Assessment Method and features of Data Quality for Public Health Information Systems
Valerio Brescia , Paolo Pietro Biancone , Silvana Secinaro ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 19-33 | Views: 1503 | Downloads: 459 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3474561
Data governance Refers to the management of public health information systems and data. The article tries to give an updated definition of big data quality through a review and systematic approach. We Identified publications by searching several eletronic bibliographic databases. The articles were confined to Inglese and italian leanguage. We performed the litterature advanced between January 2015 and December 2016. The group of study would propose a method for handle Big Data Quality System and the features That the system must have to be a management tool. The study investigates and provides some thoughts and ideas on the future of big data quality and their use in the Governance in Health. The paper highlights the usefulness of big data quality both in medical choices in information systems and infrastructure useful to policy decisions and organizational control
big data, big data quality, data quality management, healtcare, healthcare information systems
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