Assesment of the Impact of Organisational Structures on the Economic and Social Activities of Companies and Unites
Ikboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 83-98 | Views: 436 | Downloads: 122 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5385474
Object: In the competitive world of the market economy, every economic unit tries to organize more effectively everyday activities. Creating a set of suitable and cost-efficient organizational structures and making competitive products and services, top managers should find the mechanisms of building alternative ways of organizational structures. Methods: This paper presents traditional and modern types of management structures, their historical steps, and developed methods. In the present footfall of the market economy, companies in developing countries need to build their management system’s organizational structure. They need to advance a management system, managerial behaviors, and new managing styles of developed ones. For this purpose in this research have been learned organizational structures of developed companies. The investigation aims to discuss the emergence, formation, and modern appearance of management structures that evaluate organizational structures’ importance in enterprises and companies’ activities, using vivid examples. Findings: Then, it has shown some forms of developed organizational structures of companies with the assessment of their highest role in Management. In the conclusions and recommendations, we offer our approaches to solving the existing organizational problems using the historical period of development to the present day.
Organizational structure, Management, structure, strategy, mission, elements, opened, closed, global, regional, local, modeling, integration, tied aspects of construction, value, personal, formation and reformation.
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