Basic Concepts of Political Axiology
Victor Kryukov , Tamara Rubantsova , Helen Sotnikova ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 15-18 | Views: 466 | Downloads: 124 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5588242
Volume 10 - September 2021 (09)
In the article, from the point of view of the theory of values, the main categories of political philosophy are considered: politics, management, power. The tribal community was governed by rituals and taboos. In civil society, it is necessary to develop an order of relations between strangers, and for this it is necessary to adopt some rules of behavior that become laws and develop into legal codes, sets of legal norms.
Two circumstances are of fundamental importance in the functioning of social roles: due to the fact that the social role is a secondary and transformed form of personality, it represents, replaces one, several or many personalities. The phenomenon of representation is dialectically accompanied by its reverse side – the personification of a social role. The performer of a particular social role, occupying a position, being nominated for a particular post, being endowed with a certain rank, rank or degree and title, not only freely, but also out of necessity identifies himself and his social position.
Politics, Government, Power, Representation, Personification.
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