The Mushrooming Impact of Technology Business Incubators on Economic Development: A Case Study from Kingdom Of Saudia Arabia
Hasnain Javed , Prof Dr Cai Li , Saba Fazal Firdousi , Muhammad Abdul Wahid Zafar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 69-83 | Views: 1810 | Downloads: 478 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3474578
Entrepreneurship and the technological innovation have been widely acknowledged as the key drivers of business success, job creation and overall economic development. There have been diverse frameworks and mechanisms put forth to streamline and support the idea of innovative technological entrepreneurship. The mushrooming mechanisms germinated technology business incubators and it's relevant enterprise support systems which became quite successful in both developed and developing economies. The methodology gave a boost to the promotion of economic development not only confined to industrialized countries but also emerging and restructuring countries besides their discussions locus on impact or either performance. In contemporary times many types of research have been conducted focusing on empirical finding to assess their performance or impact. The purpose of this study is two-fold. Firstly, to provide a conceptual approach based on resource-based dependency theory to determine the impact of technology business on economic development. Secondly, to review the mushrooming impact of technology business incubators as a stimulus for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) networks with special focus on the valuation of the performance of the incubators for the case of Saudia Arabia. Ucinet software is used for establishing the incubator network analysis. Lastly, this study will provide policy recommendations to Kingdom of Saudia Arabia for enhancing their current technology incubators to a level compatible with international economy using the development stages concept
Mushrooming, Technology Business Incubators, Economic Development and Small and Medium Enterprises
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