Optimizing the Duration for Feature Selection in LSTM based Stock Price Prediction
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Volume 10 - November 2021 (11)
The increase in availability of data and sophisticated machine learning methods, forecasting stock price has become a major attraction for both data scientists and traders alike. LSTM models are one of the most advanced in terms of determining patterns undetectable to the human minds and are utilized in stock price prediction for the same advantage. This paper evaluates the impact of number of training data points on the intraday returns forecasted using LSTM. Both the returns and the volatility is considered and the results are verified over a large duration and comparisons are made between the sizes of different training spans. High sharpe ratios (>2) were obtained with multiple partition sizes with improved mean intraday returns. The partition size of 50 was found to be the most appropriate for stock price forecasting
LSTM, training span, Sharpe Ratio, Mean returns
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