Entrepreneurial Environment and COVID-19: An In-depth Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Field


ENE (VASILE) Cristina Mariana ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 100-109 | Views: 774 | Downloads: 157 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6368173

Volume 11 - February 2022 (02)


In the current inquiry, the author starts from the idea that, when humanity is hit by a crisis similar to the health crisis caused by the spread of the SARSCoV2 virus, the business environment undergoes dramatic changes. The implications of these changes are structural, profound, as it is generally recognized that entrepreneurship is a powerful trigger for the growth and economic development of all communities and societies. The main objective of this paper is to identify the interest in the field of scientific research on the issue of entrepreneurship, in the complicated situation generated by the health crisis. Using as research methodology the in-depth bibliometric analysis, the author establishes the inventory and the performance of the publishing activity in the previously mentioned field. In this regard, on February 4, 2022, the Web of Science database was queried. This includes documents such as: articles, editorial materials, proceeding papers, review articles, data papers, etc. The query by the topic "entrepreneurship" and "COVID-19" provided 413 scientific papers for which the two concepts are found at least simultaneously in the title, abstract or keywords. The research results reflect the increased interest in the research topic specified above, in the sense that in the two years in which the database was created, it highlighted a significant number of documents.


bibliometric analysis, COVD-19, crisis, entrepreneurship, keyword analysis, research field map, scientific document 


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