Challenges in Writing a Research Thesis-Dissertation: Its effect on PhD Students


Dr. Masood Hassan , Gohar Ali , Muhammad Ishaq , Dr Ishrat Ishaq , Malik Irfan Ahmed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 35-42 | Views: 399 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6368126

Volume 11 - February 2022 (02)


It is a burning concern for postgraduate students when it comes to preparing their thesis or dissertation. When confronted with an academic obstacle like drafting a research paper, it is possible that the responders would use their prior views and assumptions since they lack the 'proper' understanding of academic culture. Students' struggles with mental health and well-being are on the rise. There are situations when a PhD student's community of practice does not adequately support and share control with them. This has resulted in a constant conflict between students and the classroom. The most difficult aspects of writing a dissertation are framing the research and structuring the text, referencing one's own work and the literature, as well as receiving feedback in a timely manner, dealing with supervisors who are too busy to meet with students, and preparing adequately for postgraduate studies. Thesis and dissertation completion is also influenced by personal variables, such as psychological considerations and skill preparation. Thus, PhD students' self-esteem, dignity, frustration, and public image are all affected by these problems.


Postgraduate, thesis, dissertation, challenges, writing, research


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