The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Bank Performance. Evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange


Raphael Baku Kwame , Samuel Kofi Otchere , Caroline Christiana Anaglatey Coffie ,

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Volume 11 - February 2022 (02)


In today's society, there is a growing interest in and desire for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The global economic impact of multinational firms, as well as controversies revealing horrible working conditions in many industries, could be issues.
Our research sampled banks in Ghana using annual financial statement over the period of 2017-2020. We analysed the data with regression model and the statistical package for social science (SPSS). The study also discovered that CSR policies had a beneficial impact on bank performance. As a result, bank executives understand and embrace corporate social responsibility in order to increase shareholder and other stakeholder value. To support the findings, several policy implications were presented.


Corporate Social Responsibilities, Age, financial performance, Health, Ghana.


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