The Impact of Art and Design on the Culture and Tourism Industry. A Case Study in Ghana with Some Relation to Nigeria
Asiedu Raphael Obeng , Zhou Jianhua ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 53-77 | Views: 362 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6368139
Volume 11 - February 2022 (02)
This study focused primarily on the impacts of the arts and designs on the culture and tourism industries of two major West African countries, Ghana and Nigeria. The study used a total of 150 respondents sampled across the various institutions managing and controlling the affairs of its tourism, artefact and historical monuments in Ghana and Nigeria. Using a structured questionnaire, the respondents were contacted to participate via an online form. Responses were then sent in for analysis and reporting. From the findings, it is reported that the arts and designs were having significant impacts on the industry in the form of revenue generation to the state, income for households and individuals, export revenue, enhanced tourism among others. Notwithstanding, some challenges were mentioned and comprised the negligence of some sites, lack of funding and support from the government, lack of raw materials, theft and exploitation by foreigners,lack of documentation of the works of artisans, looting of artefact and other concerns with development of the sites and funding among others. More so, the Ghanaian and Nigerian culture and tourism industries were no different from each other as the impact measures assessed were similar in most regards. The study on the impact of the arts and designs on the Ghanaian and Nigerian culture and tourism industry calls for a lot of attention from the research. It was recommended that government support be increased, raw materials should be readily available and better legislation to guide the patronage and exportation of these artifact
Culture and Tourism, Artefact, Government policies, Infrastructure, Artisans, Resources.
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