Analysis on the Effectiveness of Regulations on Waste Management and Sanitation of the Local Government Unit in Palayan City amidst the Pandemic: Problems and Recommendations
Dr. Fhrizz S. De Jesus , Johanna R. Gasing , Julius B. Ramos ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-27 | Views: 428 | Downloads: 101 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6535135
this study was entitled “Analysis on the Effectiveness of Regulations on Waste Management and Sanitation of the Local Government Unit in Palayan City amidst the Pandemic: Problems and Recommendations”. It specifically investigated the practices of waste management and sanitation in the city, the waste management regulations, the problems encountered by the city government, the actions taken in intensifying the regulations, and the proposed recommendations for the improvement of waste management and sanitation in the city amidst pandemic. The descriptive-evaluative approach and absolute enumeration were used in this study's sampling procedure. This study presented that the city has a systematic approach in terms of waste management and sanitation. The findings presented that the city government has a strong commitment with regards to the improvement of waste management and sanitation in the area. However, various problems was presented in the study which suggests that some recommendations should be made as an output of this study.
Waste Management, Problems, Regulations, Covid-19 Pandemic, Local Government Unit, Recommendations
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