Evaluation of the Customer Satisfaction of the Courier Companies using the SERVQUAL Model: Basis for Client Action Plan


Dr. Fhrizz S. De Jesus , Prof. Winnie C. Villanueva ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-46 | Views: 372 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6535153

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


The topic of distribution for the Courier's firm will be discussed in this study. The Evaluation of the Customer Satisfaction of the Courier Companies using the SERVQUAL Model: was assessed using descriptive analysis in this study. To collect research data, a survey was performed, which will be done utilizing the approach. Individual consumers who had problems using the courier distribution to order items through the Internet/online received questionnaires. Due to the global pandemic, this study was done over the internet in General Mamerto Natividad, Nueva Ecija. From August to September 2021, the researchers acquired all of the data. This study provides, analyzes, and evaluates all of the data collected in textual and tabular forms in order to address the study's concerns. According to the gathered data most of the respondents considered courier services that acknowledge regular customer were critical to business success. The findings of the SERVQUAL study indicate a notable degree of concern given to customers near transaction point, having personnel with clean and neat appearance affect the image of the courier company. The findings and outcomes of this study may have important implications for profitability, attracting new customers, and analyzing client preferences through the usage of the SERVQUAL MODEL


Courier Service Company, SERVQUAL MODEL, Customer Satisfactions, Action Client Plan


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