Effect of Supplier Ethics on Performance of Public Procurement Systems in Kenya


Irene Wambui Wagithi , Jackson Ndolo , Maria Wambui Mungara ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 47-54 | Views: 370 | Downloads: 85 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6535165

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


Public procurement system is essential in the delivery of government services yet it is affected by many constraints which impact performance.  In spite of the many efforts by the government to improve the procurement system, a number of problems still face the system such as shoddy work, and lack of quality goods and services. Supplier rating has been proposed as cure of public procurement method. Despite its use in public procurement system in Kenya, a lot of complaints have been made by buyers regarding the capacity of suppliers. The study sought to evaluate the effect of  supplier ethics on the performance of public procurement system in Kenya specifically at KEPHIS, Nairobi.  A descriptive research design was adopted. The study targeted a population of 102 employees of KEPHIS, a public institution in Kenya.  Primary data was obtained using questionnaires, analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in form of tables and graphs. The relationship between variables were determined using correlation coefficient and multilinear regression equation. Hypothesis was tested using ANOVA. A pilot study was done to establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. From the findings there was a statistically significant positive relationship between Supplier ethics and the performance of public procurement systems(r=.650, p =0.000). The researchers suggest that further studies may be be carried out by other scholars to establish other determinants of performance of procurement systems in other institutions more so private or even public ones.


Ethics, Governance, Public,  Procurement, Performance, Supplier.


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