TV Commercials and its influencing power on Buyers Buying Decision


Dr. Salah Abunar , Dr. Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 61-68 | Views: 1503 | Downloads: 443 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3474575

Volume 7 - January 2018 (01)


As these days, consumers have much spending and influencing power to make the purchase compare to past time. The purchase decision is the process of which consumers are gathering the information from different sources and their decision involves with many factors such as commercial, family members and other elements of purchasing process. Commercials is a communication method to inform, persuade and remind about the products/ services by the marketer through media. Television commercials have become a part of daily lives and reflected one of the most powerful means to influence the purchase decision. The objective of the study is to determine whether constant exposure of advertisement had a direct impact on shoppers’ behaviour and to find out the effect of commercials on buying decision. A survey was conducted with 160 respondents using structured questionnaire manually and through online. The obtained data were studied with using suitable statistical tools. It was found that respondents were impressed, influenced from commercials and having the impact on their buying decisions


Advertisement, Commercials, Buying Decision, Buyer Behavior


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