Research on the Impact Mechanism of Environmental Regulation on Environmental Performance
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With the rapid economic growth, various environmental problems have become increasingly prominent in the process of industrialization. The public's demand for high-quality environmental quality has been continuously improved, and environmental issues have gradually become the focus of widespread attention by the country and the people, and have become the top priority in the sustainable development of the economy and society. Based on China’s A-share listed companies, the paper selects data from 2012 to 2019 as samples, and discusses the relationship between command-controlled environmental regulations market-incentive environmental regulations public participation environmental regulations and environmental performance based on legality theory, stakeholder theory, environmental public trust theory, and upper echelons theory. The results show that the implementation of three environmental regulatory tools, command-and-control environmental regulations, market-incentive environmental regulations, and public participation environmental regulations, are all conducive to improving the environmental performance of enterprises.
Environmental regulation; Environmental performance; Local identity
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