Digital Financial Inclusion: The Star Strategy Approach to Policy Formulation


Mark Yama Tampuri Jnr , Kong Yusheng , Portia Opoku Boadi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 120-129 | Views: 1450 | Downloads: 431 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483280

Volume 7 - January 2018 (01)


The research focuses on Digital Financial Inclusion and tools to achieve this critical key to economic and sustainable development. The STAR Strategy Approach for Financial Inclusion with its four thematic area is proposed by the researchers that in any policy to have the complete and comprehensive effect of achieving the right mix of Financial Inclusion within the digital space, then the policy must have demonstrable and measurable traces of unlocking access, unlocking usage, embedded quality and innovation and minimizes risk. The research also extensively explains the STAR Strategy Approach for Financial Inclusion policy and planning for policymakers and implementing partners.
The G20 High-level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion adopted at the 2016 China Presidency is tested with the 4 thematic areas of the STAR Strategic Approach for financial inclusion and established the G20 High-level principles for digital financial inclusion meets the requirement of the thematic areas of the STAR Strategy Approach for which for specific financial inclusion actions and policies can be developed from.
The paper also exposes that though G20 High-level principles for digital financial inclusion meets the 4 thematic areas of the Star Strategic Approach to financial inclusion, it had Only one of its Eight principles, thus Principle 6:Strengthen Digital and financial literacy and awareness as efforts at improving quality.  


Digital Financial Inclusion, STAR Strategic Approach, Financial Inclusion 


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