The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour
Dr. Masood Hassan , Fariha Arshad , Muhammad Zaid , Kulsoom Nadeem , Osama Anees Darbari ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 57-69 | Views: 388 | Downloads: 93 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911243
This report below discusses the impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior. One of the major strategies of various brands for the product's promotion is advertisements. The role of mass advertisement is to grab the attention of the consumer for the product, make a sure prolonged connection with the customers, and also for recalling the particular product in the mind of the customer. It proceeds to determine the impact of advertising in convincing the attitude of the consumer for the purpose of purchasing the desired product. This report below recommends that the target audience should be extensively reached for the purpose of knowing their pattern of consumption as well as behavior towards services and products for the purpose of taking place effective advertising. Also, the effort must be more directed over emotional advertisements, since customers' patronage is mainly induced through their feelings and emotions. With the vast increase in advancement of technology, effective advertising has now extremely significant to be able to have benefits of competition, hence the requirement for research of this report.
Advertising, Consumer Buying Behavior, Target Audience, Emotional Response, Environmental Response.
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