The Impact of Workplace Sexual Harassment among Women and Workplace Ostracism on Personal or Organizational Deviance with the mediating effect of Self-Efficacy
Dr. Masood Hassan , Hafsa Saleem , Muhammad Omer Khalid ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 70-93 | Views: 319 | Downloads: 79 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911319
The purpose of this research is to find the impact of workplace ostracism and women workplace sexual harassment on the personal or organizational deviance, where the relationship between the variables is mediated through self-efficacy. It moves on the research paradigm of post-positivism where this research creates a new relation among the considered variables. This research was conducted from the private banking sector of Karachi, Pakistan. The data was collected through 245 questionnaires among which best 217 questionnaires were selected for the testing. The data was then passed through the reliability and validity test of SPSS- Smart PLS and all the constructs of the data found to be accurate and reliable while for descriptive statistics and demographical analysis of respondents SPPS statistical tools have been used. This research concludes an insignificant relationship of workplace ostracism with both self-efficacy and personal or organizational deviance, while it found a significant positive relationship of sexual harassment at workplace with both self-efficacy and personal or organizational deviance. This research recommends that the recruitment of supervisors should be based on their leadership skills so they don’t ostracize their team members, also good security should be provided to female employees and all the employers should be prohibited to call personal meetings with opposite gender. Furthermore, it provides beneficial knowledge to the students who are studying human resource management and also helpful for the organizations to understand how they can control the deviance in their organization by training their employees to fight against sexual harassment and ostracizers
Workplace Ostracism, Workplace Sexual Harassment, Self-Efficacy
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