Life Satisfaction of Married Women: Working Women Vs. Housewives
Dr. Masood Hassan , Preh Ashfaq Bhutto , Abeer Zainab ,
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Marriage has been a primordial practice that spans societies and cultures globally, affecting men and women differently. Women’s role in society has undergone a drastic – being a housewife has almost gone out of fashion and being a working woman has become the new trend. However, despite the sense of independence and freedom that working women enjoy, there has been a noticeable change in the subjective well-being (SWB), life satisfaction and happiness of women. The two main theories regarding life satisfaction: bottom-up and top-down theories are explored briefly. Several factors including marital satisfaction, employment satisfaction, spouse satisfaction and parental satisfaction have an overall influence in the happiness level of a married woman’s life. Moreover, the idea that a woman’s ultimate freedom lies in the labor market is challenged as well – several studies show that some housewives have a greater life satisfaction than married working women. However, there are yet other sources that suggest the subjective well-being of a married women lies beyond the income of the household but the context of where they live is also important, such as the economic standing of the country.
Life Satisfaction, Married Women, Working Women, Housewife
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