Work-Life Balance and Employees of Corporate Sector of Pakistan


Dr. Masood Hassan , Dua Shaikh , Abdul Moiz Dawra ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 100-107 | Views: 348 | Downloads: 72 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911566

Volume 11 - May 2022 (05)


The core objective of this research is to identify the impact that a healthy work-life balance brings to the corporate sector of Pakistan. To help the employees identify the impact that this can bring to their respective organizations A healthy work-life balance makes employees more productive. Being productive means work being completed more timely, more effort being put into it to make sure it is accurate and up-to-the-mark. This works in the best favor of the corporates as well since it makes employees more motivated. With being productive, employees become more satisfied too with their respective jobs. A satisfied employee will not hunt for other jobs and will be content with the current jobs, which again, benefits the corporates, since they get to retain their hard-working and well-trained employees and business policies and secrets are remained safe within the business as employees will be more loyal to their employers.


Work-life balance, Corporate sector, Job Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Employee Retention


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