Factors Affecting Students Learning and Behavior
Dr. Masood Hassan , Ayesha Adil , Samina Ashraf ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 115-124 | Views: 286 | Downloads: 70 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911679
The study deals with the problems and difficulties that are faced by students in the classroom especially the Learning and Behavior issues that are often witnessed. There are certain factors that lead to these learning and behavior problems which include parent or teacher attitude, disabilities and many others which this paper will discuss in depth. Students face a myriad of problems and issues that impact the psychologically and sociologically and that further integrate into their learning and grasping in the classroom. On the flip side the classroom can also become a hostile place for learners of all ages due to clashes and attitudes of the teachers. In turn there are many other complicating factors that can deter the learning curve and throw a negative light on students’ behavior in the classroom. These factors affect student behavior throughout the spectrum; from early learning till tertiary education. These are triggers that will affect a student throughout their educational profile.
Classroom, Teachers, Behavior, Parents, Psychological Barriers, Language Barriers
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