The Influence of Bloggers Recommendation on Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Dr. Masood Hassan , Syed Muhammad Sahal Alvi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 141-157 | Views: 295 | Downloads: 76 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911709
Blogs have become vital part of World Wide Web being the fastest and easily accessible source of getting updated information on various topics and trends. Blogging has been emerged as a tool for recording personal views and reviews. Whether one wants to plan a trip, or planning to buy a new product or looking for best restaurant in town, tends to search information on internet and blogs on internet appear as search result with most helpful recommendations and reviews. This study is conducted to enquire the impact of blogger’s recommendation on purchase intention of products in context of their credibility and reputation as a source of information. The study is empirical in nature based on consumers who use blogs to browse information. The research framework of this study illustrates trustworthiness, expertise and reputation as independent variables showing their impact on purchase intention. Data from 50 blog readers is collected using convenience sampling to investigate whether the recommendations from bloggers impact their purchase intention of products. The outcome of this study shows that bloggers’ recommendations have significant impact on purchase intention being credible and reputable source of information. Moreover, results suggest that since consumers perceive blogs as credible source of getting information related to products and services, therefore marketers should consider blog as an effective electronic word of mouth (eWOM) channel and design promotional strategies using blogs and monitor data on blogs to receive consumer feedback.
Blogger, Source Credibility, Trustworthiness, Expertise, Reputation, Purchase Intention.
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