The Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation Rates in Pakistan
Dr. Masood Hassan , Muhammad Hammad Alam , Qasim Hamid Memon , Muhammad Shahzar Sani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 26-35 | Views: 336 | Downloads: 95 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911884
This report focuses on the relationship between inflation and unemployment of Pakistan. One of the most important elements of country’s security is its inflation and unemployment rate as they together, make surviving for the poor very difficult. This report mentions the 4 important factors, corruption, flawed policies, illiteracy and rapid population growth and how they all affect the rates together and what the result is of the following. The report suggests that a wider and deeper sample is to be used as the people most affected by the inflation and unemployment are the people who live in the slums and might not have the gadgets and technology to fulfill to the survey. The report highlights all the necessary factors that are to be controlled in order to maintain serenity and peace in a country. With the vast increase in the inflation rate in the following rates, the report suggests ways of controlling it and making opportunities for the locals of the country to grow financially and find work. This report records people’s opinion and reactions regarding growth and should come in handy for future researchers to understand Pakistan’s political instability, therefore making this research important.
Inflation, Unemployment, Corruption, Flawed Policies, Illiteracy, Rapid Population Growth.
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