Customer Satisfaction in Banking Industry of Pakistan


Dr. Masood Hassan , Shahbaz Sheikh , Awais Ahmad , Ali Hyder Lakhani , Abdul Samad , Muhammad Owais Ahmed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 36-58 | Views: 404 | Downloads: 86 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911912

Volume 11 - June 2022 (06)


The motivation behind this paper is to assess the consumer loyalty of banking industry in Pakistan. As we know that the customer need and satisfaction is really important these days, because customers want a high service quality in their banks of Pakistan so for the customer satisfaction banks need to understand their needs about the services that they are giving. The main interest of the clients is to get the great incentive for their cash. Because of expanding market intensity nobody can refuse the importance from getting service quality. This study gives understanding the quality of service that effect on consumer loyalty in financial area of Pakistan. The questionnaire of this study is gathered data through analysing the dependent variable that is customer satisfaction. This study also based on the literature review that we examine in the conceptual frame work that how the determinants are important for the customer satisfaction the full analysis of those five quality of service are in that part. This research also provides the clear picture how the people think about their banks and the services that they provide them.


Customer satisfaction, Service quality, Customer loyalty.


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