Determinants of Employee Retention- A Literature Review
Dr. Masood Hassan , Abdul Moiz Khan , Areeba Shaikh , Komal Naz , Mulaika Khalil Ahmed , Sanoria Khalid ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 78-85 | Views: 307 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911940
Retention of employees is very important. It is one of the main challenges faced by biggest companies just because they don’t look after the problems of employees. In this research, we will talk about the determinants of employee’s retention. What causes employees demotivation, which ends up them leaving the job. It can be because the employee interest doesn’t match with the organization objectives. It is very important to clarify the employees with the objectives of the company. It is very important to promote training, provide opportunities for growth salaries and fair benefits are more valued as well as the employee’s interest.
Employee Retention, Employee Retention Strategies, Recruitment and Selection, Job Satisfaction
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