Impact of Social Media Platforms on Student Learning
Dr. Masood Hassan , Natasha Khan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 86-93 | Views: 283 | Downloads: 91 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6911962
Social Media is extremely crucial for the student generation. In this study, it is to decipher the positive connotations attached to social media platforms and their impact on student learning. An in-depth analysis has been recorded of the Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok applications in this report. These apps are majorly popular among the student community because of their advertised features and mainly because of the easy access of the above-mentioned apps among the learners. Though, the effect of such networks on student learning has been interpreted through various research and previously attempted studies focusing on the relationship between these factors. It is to observe that social media platforms have contributed positively to the younger generation, even with the negative notions attached to them. The preliminary results of this report show that the influence of social media on student learning has helped them to advance their skills, assistance in learning with further convenience and inducing these apps as important tools for acquiring and applying knowledge. Further concepts of social media platforms on student learning have been discussed in this report.
Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Student Learning.
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