How Experiential Marketing Effects Urban Consumers
Dr. Masood Hassan , Shahrukh Farooq , Hamad ud din , Naser Malik ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 93-104 | Views: 252 | Downloads: 75 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6912016
This paper explains the impacts of Experiential Marketing on Consumer Wellbeing specifically within the by analyzing responses of Consumers in the Pakistani restaurant market. It analyzes quantitatively the responses to 400 surveys that help identify key hypotheses regarding the status of the restaurant industry in Pakistan and the importance of experiential marketing within the same. The report explains the caveats of experiential marketing when it comes to the restaurant industry in Pakistan; the impacts that it may on consumer perception of the business in question and the after affects which relate to the wellbeing of the consumers themselves. The four hundred surveys conducted were of frequent customers of the high-end restaurants of Karachi Pakistan, these customers base their buying decisions purely on experience rather than other factors that may go into the decision. The quantitative analysis
Experiential Marketing, Restaurant Industry, Pakistan, Consumer
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