How Organization Business and Personal Business Can Use Social Media?
Dr. Masood Hassan , Saad Tahir , Hassan Tahir , Sherwin Kumar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 105-125 | Views: 257 | Downloads: 72 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6912034
The aim of this study is to find out the strategies for private organizations and personal businesses to survive and boost sales through the power of social media. The study will undoubtedly comprehend how to use social media sites to boost a company's competitiveness with organizations and private entrepreneurs. The study will demonstrate the various ways in which businesses can use social media to increase their chances of survival. Using social media sites for advertising and marketing, as well as personnel monitoring, are important aspects of the job. The study would provide organizations and also private entrepreneurs with knowledge on how to use social media to boost a company's competitiveness. According to the study's findings, organizations can use social media sites to improve their chances of survival in a selection of methods.
Social media, Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurs, Organization.
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