The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior
Dr. Masood Hassan , Neelash Kumar , Marium Rashid , Ibad Ul Zaman Khan , Sana Niaz , Anza Gaffar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 138-145 | Views: 328 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6912063
Many consumers consume fast food despite its lack of nutritional value and harmful ingredients because it is convenient. This study examined the impact of the fast-food sector on Pakistani society. This study's findings were explained by earlier research. A survey was conducted online to collect data. Excel was used for tabulation and graphing, while SPSS was utilized for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. A new study demonstrates that adolescents spend more money on junk food. Both nuclear and blended households favor fast food. When traveling, nothing beats a quick meal at a fast-food restaurant. It is possible that consuming fast food will satisfy an individual's hunger. Even fast food is not a cheap option. Also, a guilty pleasure for many folks is fast food. Long-term consumption of fast food has also been associated to obesity, dyspepsia, and elevated cholesterol. People prefer fast food to home-cooked meals because it is both convenient and delicious. Inadequate nutrition may also occur from consuming fast food. Due to their hectic schedules, many office workers choose for fast food. Age and education are inversely associated to fast food preferences, intake, and spending. As individuals' incomes rise, the popularity of fast food will rise. Consumption of fast food and obesity are on the rise in contemporary society, and this trend is anticipated to continue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between fast food intake and abdominal and overall obesity
Fast food, Obesity, High cholesterol, Junk food.
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