Social Media Factors That Impact Buying Intentions of Consumers Towards Brands


Dr. Masood Hassan , Saadat Ali Khan , Daniyal Siddiqi , Mian Muhammad Mustafa Rehman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 90-104 | Views: 288 | Downloads: 75 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910744

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


In the current time we live in, brands have become a prominent presence on social media platforms, not only for marketing purposes, but also to interact with consumers, and to provide them with complete satisfaction, in order to prevent changes in their purchase intentions. This research, aims to investigate different social media factors that impact a consumers’ buying intention towards brands, through literature review which would support the hypotheses’ and through experimental primary research by circulating questionnaires. To investigate the data SPSS statistics method was used and to analyse the primary research data Inferential statistics technique is utilised in the research. The population selected for the study was people who were aware of the four independent variables of this research; (1) Online customer reviews/word of mouth, (2) Influence of social media influencers, (3) Digital Brand Marketing, and (4) Online product presentation. Results of the research prove that all four independent variables significantly impact consumers’ purchase intentions.


Purchase intention, e-WOM, OCR, influencers, digital marketing, Brands 


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