Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


Dr. Masood Hassan , Zehra Batool , Sara Khan , Syed Ammar Ali , Umer Khalid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 105-112 | Views: 320 | Downloads: 73 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910781

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


Sexual harassment is a pandemic, not so much an epidemic, as it occurs every day and in every setting. Despite the criminal aspect, the problem persists in the workplace. Women have been socially conditioned to be submissive to males from an early age since they have been regarded as inferior to men for generations. Sexual harassment may take many different forms. Ignoring the fact that sexual harassment has occurred since the start of civilization, it has only lately been regarded as a significant and pervasive issue, particularly at work. Researchers examined the impact of workplace sexual harassment on both male and female employees' mental health and productivity throughout this article. The study will also look at the various forms of workplace sexual harassment, as well as the reasons that may contribute to its increased incidence and prevention measures. It was accomplished by a review of the literature. The goal of the phone interviews was to find out how common sexual harassment is at work and how companies and management respond to complaints with rules, training, and action. The purpose of this research is to assist in the gathering of data that may be utilized to develop workplace sexual harassment prevention measures. Higher understanding in this sector is likely to result in increased awareness and the implementation of measures to assist avoids sexual harassment at work


Sexual harassment, Workplace, Gender bias, Research.


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