Impact of CSR on Brand Image


Dr. Masood Hassan , Saad Salman , Amema Rizwan , Zarak Nadeem Khan , Sabahat Bibi , Mahrukh Razzak ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 135-145 | Views: 259 | Downloads: 71 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910837

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


In today’s world the curiosity towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) is growing day by day. In the light of the collected facts, this study signifies, how the corporate image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is influenced by the corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim of this study is to determine the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the Telecom sector of the Pakistan. The data has been collected primarily and for this 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was used. Data was collected from 220 respondents and it was found reliable for testing. The data was analyzed through SPSS software through the methods of descriptive statistics, regression and correlation analysis. The findings of this study showed that implementation of corporate social responsibility in the telecommunication industry has a significant and positive impact on the factors i.e., corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Thus, concluding that companies should actively take part in CSR activities to create a better the image of the firm, and customer satisfaction which may influence the buying intention of the consumers and it also help to motivate the consumers to become loyal with the brand.


CSR, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction


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