Impact of Organization Culture on Employees Performance


Dr. Masood Hassan , Nimra Khalid , Sanjna Devi , Almas Qayyum , Muhammad Mustafa ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 146-161 | Views: 415 | Downloads: 80 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910873

Volume 11 - April 2022 (04)


This study aims to find the significant link between corporate culture and performance. They are being studied. Studies have confirmed a clear connection between the two by individual researchers. The study's primary goal is to determine and quantify the vital link between organizational culture and performance. Literature reviews are used to approach the “impact of an organization's culture on processes, people, and systems. Certain aspects of culture According to previously identified surveys, the values ​​and norms of an organization are based on its people relationship. The goal of the organization is to raise the bar of performance through the development of strategies.”


Organizational Culture, Performance, Strategies


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