The Impact of E-Commerce on Consumer Buying Behavior in Pakistan
Dr. Masood Hassan , Ali Meesum Tammar Shah Bukhari , Sara Wahid ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 162-176 | Views: 352 | Downloads: 73 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910885
Consumer buying behavior ultimately refers to the behavior of a buyer who purchases things based on his likings while a buyer's choice depends on things such as decision making process, shopping habits and choice of purchasing. In E-Commerce, it is like a vital aspect to look upon. It is looked upon and it should be because it helps at a greater extent in planning, creating and implementing business strategies. This study majorly focuses on how online shopping has entered and started impacting the business world, and investigates the dependent and independent variables regarding the influence of online shopping. Furthermore, this study also aims to reflect upon the aspect of how a decision is taken and what impact it brings to the purchasing decision. To move this forth, the independent variables that were also the major factors of online shopping included product variety, sales promotion, online buying behaviour of customers and shopping orientation while E-Commerce being the dependent variable. Their relationship was examined in this research (i.e, how E-Commerce imposes an impact on Consumer buying behaviour and why). Furthermore, this research was done in order to study the consumer buying behaviour, that is apparently a hypothetical shift that works as per the experiences an individual has; either positive or negative.
E-commerce, Online shopping, Shopping orientation, Consumer buying behaviour, Sales promotion.
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