The Effects of Socialization on Employee Commitment at Workplace
Dr. Masood Hassan , Khizra Imran , Iqra Akhtar Jafrani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 78-91 | Views: 268 | Downloads: 75 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907135
This study examines corporate socializing and employee loyalty at k-executive electric. Multiple factors, including interpersonal relationships, compensation, personality attributes, and professional progression, were found to influence employee loyalty. Socialization is believed to positively improve employees' affective, ongoing, and normative commitment. These links were evaluated using the information of 371 K Electric executives. In addition, questionnaires were used to collect information. Statistical software known as SPSS was utilized to evaluate the data. According to the research, characteristics such as coworker relationships, remuneration, personality, and advancement significantly affect employee commitment. In order to increase employee loyalty, a company must prioritize strengthening social bonds.
Commitment, Socialization, Coworker relation, Pay, Promotion and Employee commitment.
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