A Literature Review on the Anxiety Order
Dr. Masood Hassan , Muhammad Misbah Uddin , Syeda Naveera Tehar , Narendar Kumar , Sheikh Saba Saeed ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 92-99 | Views: 332 | Downloads: 78 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907244
Anxiety is a mental disorder that is a normal emotion described by the immediate feeling of Fear, Panic, stress, bipolar disorder, restlessness, insomnia, fatigue, blurred vision, & impaired learning. The study focuses on how the brain & body respond to unexpected threats & investigates the dependent & independent variables regarding the influence on Anxiety Disorder. To move this forth, the independent variables that were also the major factors of the anxiety disorder included unstable relationships, chronic diseases, & high depression. Furthermore, the research attempts to see if depression & anxiety have common elements of response that separate these as depression symptoms & panic illnesses from stressed illnesses. Its findings show that anxiety disorders share self-reported nervousness experiences, as well as high stress & worry responses to stimuli that suggest menace, no real danger, previously communicated risk, & threat-related situations. Stress sensitivity to stressful events is higher in them. Danger effortful errors, as well as hazard assessments of cues Also, prefrontal reflexes to threat-related stimuli were enhanced. There are certain distinctions to be made amongst mental illnesses & severe depression.
Fear, bipolar disorder, Stress, post-trauma, anxiety
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