Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover
Dr. Masood Hassan , Anika , Ali Zain , Usama Malik , Arsalan Shiekh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 108-119 | Views: 291 | Downloads: 67 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907308
This study is all about the major aspects of job satisfaction. Every human being has some basic needs in his life that he has to fulfill. If a job is unable to make him fulfill those needs, he or she won’t be able to keep that job which will be non-satisfaction from the job. On the other hand, if a person gets the desired environment in a work place and also the job fulfills all his basic needs, the employee will show more retention, more dedication and more commitment while working in that organization. For effective job satisfaction it is necessary for the executives of can organization to fulfill the basic needs of their employees so that they may happily give their best to the business and contribute to the prosperity and growth of that organization. The staff should be given good salaries so that they may easily meet their daily expenses. In this study all these factors of job satisfaction has been analyzed and presented.
Job satisfaction, Basic need, Environment, Good salaries.
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