Quantitative Evaluation of Zhejiang Rural Industrial Integration Policy Based on the PMC Index Model
Download Full PDF Pages: 41-51 | Views: 276 | Downloads: 78 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7018715
Rural industrial integration is conducive to accelerating the development of rural agriculture, which provides powerful impetus for rural revitalization. This paper mainly uses mixed research method and selects Zhejiang Province as the research object. By sorting out, quantifying and analyzing the rural industrial integration policies of Zhejiang Province based on the PMC index model, the relevant policies are evaluated. The results show that the overall design of Zhejiang Province’s rural industrial integration policies is generally reasonable; the policies are goal-oriented, fact-based and well-planned. However, there are still some problems need to be improved on. And it is necessary to improve the nature of policies, optimize the functions and appropriately extend the timeliness of the rural industrial integration policy in the future.
rural industrial integration policy; PMC index model; Zhejiang Province
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