Impact of Logistic Collaboration on Supply Chain Performance


Dr. Masood Hassan , Rana Muhammad Qasim ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 128-135 | Views: 255 | Downloads: 67 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907328

Volume 11 - March 2022 (03)


This quantitative study aims to identify the impact of logistic collaboration on supply chain performance. For this purpose, the influence of the characteristics involving trust, organizational commitment, interdependence of supply chain, involvement of information technology and involvement of top management were explored. The results indicate that all of the characteristics of supply chain collaboration have a significant positive impact on supply chain performance except the factor of trust among supply chain partners. The study recommends supply chain collaboration as an important element for increasing supply chain performance The study opens directions for future studies in the area if supply chain collaboration. 


Supply chain performance, Supply chain collaboration, Trust, Organizational commitment, Interdependence of supply chain.


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